While the recent mass-shooting in Atlanta sparked a national conversation about sex trafficking in the United States, Australia has had no. Females are also victims of domestic servitude and other forms of forced labor. In many cases, the women and children are from remote and impoverished. 8, human trafficking cases affecting 10, individual victims were reported to hotlines operated by the Polaris Project in · Of these, 71% were sex.
Modern-day slavery in focus Employment Human trafficking and south-east Asian women: it's not all about sex work Initiative recognises widespread problem of Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins. Op-Ed: Asian women fought the West’s slave trade. And then they were written out of history Tien Fuh Wu, far left, was a former slave and key member of Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins. Women and children are trafficked to Japan for commercial sexual exploitation from China, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, Russia, and Latin America. The majority of identified trafficking victims are foreign women who migrate to Japan with hopes of working and sending remittances to their families back home.
"With nail salons for instance, the labor trafficking of Asian women, you can have those women being labor trafficked to work in those salons during the day, and then pulled into sex trafficking at night.". Women and children are trafficked to Japan for commercial sexual exploitation from China, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, Russia, and Latin America. The majority of identified trafficking victims are foreign women who migrate to Japan with hopes of working and sending remittances to their families back home. Fifty-one percent of victims in East Asia were women, and children comprised nearly a third, according to the UNODC report. During –14, more than 60 percent of the 7, identified victims were trafficked for sexual exploitation. Females are also victims of domestic servitude and other forms of forced labor.
Tweet Email. Trafficking is fueled by demands for cheap, exploitable labor which have increased with globalization — which permits the free flow of capital but not labor. Some countries view trafficking as the only form of migration available to labor because all other sources are restricted or closed. They advocate safe migration as the way to halt trafficking.